ILO Report: Violence and harassment in the world of work-Trade union initiatives, strategies and negotiations since the adoption of the Convention on Violence and Harassment (No. 190) and its Recommendation (No. 206), 2019

This report is a collection of trade union initiatives and strategies preventing, addressing, and eliminating violence and harassment in the world of work. It focuses on measures introduced since the …

Sugar Industry Faces Pressure Over Coerced Hysterectomies and Labor Abuses

The sugar industry is facing pressure to clean up its supply chains and improve oversight after revelations that women in India, the world’s second-largest sugar producer, work in debt bondage and …

EEOC Enforcement Guidance on Harassment in the Workplace

This guidance serves as a resource for employers, employees, and practitioners; for EEOC staff and the staff of other agencies that investigate, adjudicate, or litigate harassment claims or conduct outreach …

EEOC Releases Workplace Guidance to Prevent Harassment

Today the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) published final guidance on harassment in the workplace, “Enforcement Guidance on Harassment in the Workplace.” By providing this resource on the legal …

Subway faces $50M suit for sexual abuse at franchisee

A former employee of Subway franchisee GRB Investments is suing the operator and the brand for $50 million in damages after she was repeatedly drugged and raped by her supervisor, according to a …

Street vendors sue KCCA law enforcement officers for brutal arrests

Two street vendors have sued Kampala Capital City Authority -KCCA and two law enforcement officers for inhuman arrest during operations. The vendors Esther Apio and Hamida Nakayaga who sell fruits, …

Chile: Ley de teletrabajo para personas cuidadoras (Chilean Legislation on Teleworking for Individuals in Caregiving Roles)

El Gobierno de Chile promulgó, este viernes (22/12/2023),la nueva Ley de Conciliación entre la vida personal, familiar y laboral, que pretende mejorar las condiciones de miles de personas, principalmente mujeres …

ILAW Network y CSI piden a la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos reconocer el derecho al cuidado

ILAW Network y la Confederación Sindical Internacional-CSI presentamos escrito de Amicus Curiae ante la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos en el trámite de la Opinión Consultiva sobre el derecho al …

En Colombia es nuevamente radicada la Reforma Laboral “Trabajo por el Cambio” ante el Congreso de la República

En Colombia, el día de hoy fue nuevamente radicado el Reforma Laboral “Trabajo por el Cambio” propuesto por el Gobierno nacional en cabeza del presidente Gustavo Petro. La reforma había …

Sexual violence is a pervasive threat for female farm workers – here’s how the US could reduce their risk

Television crime shows often are set in cities, but in its third season, ABC’s “American Crime” took a different tack. It opened on a tomato farm in North Carolina, where it …