UN Dept. of Economic and Social Affairs: International Migration Report 2017

This is the 2017 UN report on global migration patterns, including details on the worse conditions that migrant workers face compared to native workers. http://www.un.org/en/development/desa/population/migration/publications/migrationreport/docs/MigrationReport2017_Highlights.pdf

HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS OF SUBSIDIARIES: Liability of Parent Companies for Human Rights Violations of Subsidiaries (Oct. 2016)

The article first describes the nature of multinational corporations and how their structure lends itself to limited liability in the context of supply chain accountability. The authors then turn to …

Moving from informal to formal sector and what it means for policymakers

The World Bank posted this article by Monami Dasgupta, an analyst at IFMR Finance Foundation. Dasgupta highlights how workers in the informal economy are often missing a regulatory environment which …

The Limitations of Supply Chain Disclosure Regimes

The Article discusses the viability of mandatory disclosure regimes internationally, questioning the effectiveness of government-enforced supply chain transparency as it informs (or doesn’t inform) consumer choices. Ultimately, the article posits …

The Necessity for a Business and Human Rights Treaty

In June 2014, the Human Rights Council passed a resolution establishing an intergovernmental working group to discuss a legally binding instrument relating to transnational corporations and other business enterprises. In …

Corporate Accountability for Human Rights Abuses: A Guide for Victims and NGOs on Recourse Mechanisms (May 2016)

A comprehensive guide detailing intergovernmental and judicial mechanisms in place to aid both victims and NGOs in holding multinational corporations accountable for human rights abuses in supply chains. At over …

McCoy v. Nestle USA, Inc., 173 F. Supp. 3d 954, 956 (N.D. Cal. 2016)

Issue: whether California law requires corporations to inform customers of supply chains involving slavery and child labor on their product packaging and point of sale advertising (no). Facts: Putative class …

The rise of the «just-in-time workforce»: On-demand work, crowdwork and labour protection in the «gig-economy»

The so-called “gig-economy” has been growing exponentially in numbers and importance in recent years but its impact on labour rights has been largely overlooked. Forms of work in the “gig-economy” …

Nat’l Ass’n of Manufacturers v. S.E.C., 800 F.3d 518, 519 (D.C. Cir. 2015)

Issue: consideration of prior case law upon the First Amendment’s prohibition of compelled speech as it may pertain to had on our judgment that the conflict minerals disclosure requirement in …

 Normativity, Ethics, and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: A Critical Assessment

This article critically assesses the work of the UN Special Representative for Business and Human Rights (SRSG) John Ruggie. The article adopts a normative perspective on the issue. Thus, its …