“Last Monday, European Union member states reached a provisional agreement on the compromise text of the directive on platform work. This momentous decision comes more than two years after the European Commission’s initial …
“Last Monday, European Union member states reached a provisional agreement on the compromise text of the directive on platform work. This momentous decision comes more than two years after the European Commission’s initial …
In March 2024, The European Union’s institutions reached an agreement to adopt a European Directive on Platform Work. To understand the content of this Directive, it is essential to know what European directives …
In December 2017, ‘JK’ and his partner published on their YouTube channel a Christmas music video aimed at promoting tolerance towards same-sex couples. Two days later, JK received an email from his …
“This article discusses the proposal for the EU Directive on Platform Work. While welcoming the proposal advanced by the Commission, it highlights some of its shortcomings and suggests more robust …
An unprecedented COVID-19-induced explosion in digital surveillance has reconfigured power relationships in professional settings. This article critically concentrates on the interplay between technology-enabled intrusive monitoring and the augmentation of managerial …
“In mid-January, the news that Microsoft was investing almost $70 billion in the ‘metaverse’ hit the headlines. Yet it was only the latest in a series of such massive investments. Technology companies …
“The discussion around the future of work, which has become ubiquitous in law, policymaking and the media, has so far concentrated on ‘quantitative’ aspects, for instance how many jobs may …
The discussion around the future of work, which has become ubiquitous in law, policymaking and the media, has so far concentrated on ‘quantitative’ aspects, for instance how many jobs may …
This working paper analyses national and supranational case law and legislation about the employment status of platform workers. It does so by referring to the ILO Employment Relationship Recommendation, 2006 …
International Lawyers Assisting Workers Network
c/o Solidarity Center
1130 Connecticut Ave, NW 8th Floor
Washington DC, 20036
Social Europe needs a new concept of ‘worker’
“The distinction between employed and self-employed is becoming incoherent and outdated A quarter of a century after Alain Supiot advocated a comprehensive extension of labour and social rights ‘beyond employment’, labour-law regimes …