Mixed Picture for Indonesia’s Garment Sector (2017)

This ILO report, specifically on page 5 to 8, indicates how women and men are treated differently in the garment industry in Indonesia. The wage gap between the gender exist, …

African Cooperative Leaders Share Their Observations on the 2017 ILO/JCCU Study Tour in Japan

This article reports the leaders’ observations and insights after the study tour in Japan. Among these countries, Kenyan representative thought the cooperatives in Kenya should consider offering mutual insurance services, …


The plaintiffs in this case, five Nepali men, allege that they were promised work in Jordan but were instead trafficked to work for KBR, a U.S. defense contractor, on a …

“But we want to work”: The movement of child workers in Peru and the actions for reducing child labor. (Paywall)

This article tackles child labor. It focuses on the program Edúcame Primero (Educate Me First) and its application in Peru, Colombia, and some Central American countries. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/ajcp.12180

US EEOC and Peru sign historic national collaboration and dissemination agreement to combat labor discrimination

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission of the United States of America and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Peru have signed a Memorandum of Understanding by which they commit to …

Intel [v. European Commission] (6 September 2017)

Court of Appeal allows plaintiffs in civil cartel damages actions to advance claims based on overcharges incurred by their supply chain operations outside of the European Union (EU), provided that …

Informal Workers in Bangkok, Thailand: Scan of Four Occupational Sectors

This report provides the background and information about the Informal Economy in Thailand in 6 parts; Introduction, Livelihoods, Access to Public Services, Institutions and Actors, and Contributions of Informal Workers, …

Labor related Statistics in Korea

This link provides major statistics related to labor in Korea; (1) Economically Active Population Survey (2) Wage & Working Hours (3) Labor Dispute (4) Coverage of Employment Insurance (5) Industrial …

Women Workers and the Fight to Eradicate Precarious Labor in South Korea

This article discusses the problem of part-time and short-term contract women workers especially those of irregular public school employees https://www.globalresearch.ca/women-workers-and-the-fight-to-eradicate-precarious-labor-in-south-korea/5606098  

South Korea: Court decision regarding child care leave benefit payment return (Case Number: 2015Du51651)

This is a court decision determining the factors required for child leave payment and whether a working parent leaving abroad without a child is subject to a penalty for receiving …