At Work and Under Watch: Surveillance and suffering at Amazon and Walmart warehouses

“Amazon and Walmart are the two largest private employers in the United States, and together these two megacorporations have amassed unprecedented levels of wealth. Both companies have succeeded by pioneering …

Digital labour platforms and migrant workers

Analysing migrants’ working conditions and (over)representation in platform work in Europe “Working for labour platforms is still relatively rare, but the generally poor working conditions and the impact on the …

HIDDEN HARVEST: Human Rights and Environmental Abuses in India’s Shrimp Industry

“This report is the culmination of three years of research and investigations into the Indian shrimp sector, examining evidence of forced labor, living and working conditions for shrimp supply chain …

ILO Report – Profits and poverty: The economics of forced labour

“US$236 billion. This is the obscene level of annual profit generated from forced labour in the world today. This figure reflects the wages or earnings effectively stolen from the pockets …

Confronting systemic human rights violations: Human rights due diligence and state-imposed forced labor under the German Supply Chain Act

“The existence of state-imposed forced labor as a systemic human rights violation within global value chains requires an urgent corporate response. Although the issue of state-imposed forced labor and its …

The US Forced Labor Import Ban as a Tool to Raise Labor Standards in Supply Chain Contexts: Strategic Approaches to Advocacy

“The United States has banned the importation of goods made with forced labor since 1930. Until recently, however, this law—Section 307 of the US Tariff Act of 1930—was rarely applied, …

ETUI Report: Towards workers’ environmental rights

An analysis of EU labour and environmental law Building on the ongoing discussion on the labour–environment nexus in labour law and other areas of scholarship, in this paper we systematically …


Regulatory Radiography: Where, what and how is artificial intelligence being regulated in Latin America (Report in Spanish) The report is a response to the uncertainties that are arising from the …

Worker Power and Voice in the AI Response

In “Worker Power and Voice in the AI Response,” we outline a series of action-oriented recommendations to respond to the use of artificial intelligence in the workplace, such as banning the use …

Informe de la OIT sobre empleo y condiciones sociales en 2024 (ILO report on employment and social conditions in 2024)

La OIT publicó su Informe “Perspectivas sociales y del empleo en el mundo: Tendencias 2024”. La noticia de la publicación de este nuevo informe se puede encontrar aquí. Se puede …