Migrant workers awarded $200K by human rights tribunal

Based on O.P.T. v. Presteve Foods Ltd. (2015 HRTO 675), the article points out the precarious immigration status threatens the rights of migrant workers, especially the female workers, and calls …

Canada: P.T. v. Presteve Foods Ltd. (2015 HRTO 675)

Two female migrant workers – O.P.T. and M.P.T filed a claim with the tribunal against Presteve Foods Ltd. on the grounds of sexual harassment and sexual solicitations. The tribunal of …

“UK government to ban restaurant owners from taking share of tips”

[Direct Quote of Online Abstract (in front of paywall): “Trade unions have experienced significant turbulence over the past three decades. In the UK and Ireland, a key change has been …

Review of the complaint mechanism created by the Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises promulgated by the OECD

John Ruggie and Tamaryn Nelson study the complaint mechanism created by the Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises promulgated by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. They see if there are any …

UK: University and College Union v The University of Stirling (Scotland) (Rev 1) [2015] UKSC 26

The United Kingdom (“U.K.”) Supreme Court found that an employer that wants to “dismiss as redundant” twenty (20) or more employees at one establishment within a period of ninety (90) …

Industrial Action and Liability in Japan: A Legal Overview

This article analyses the scope of “proper” industrial action, which is protected by Labor Union Act, by introducing cases of the Supreme Court and lower courts in Japan. It also …

Self-Care & Health Care: How Migrant Women in the Greater Mekong Sub Region Take Care of their Health

With the support of the United Nations Development Program, MMN project partners in all countries of the GMS interviewed 114 migrant women to find out how women take care of …

Transparency in Supply Chains etc.: A Practical Guide

Sets forth the Home Office’s prioritization of supply chain transparency as a threshold step towards mitigating the abusive human labor practices that plague its supply chains; the Guide states that …

Modern Slavery Act (UK)

UK Legislation: The Modern Slavery Act will give law enforcement the tools to fight modern slavery, ensure perpetrators can receive suitably severe punishments for these appalling crimes and enhance support …

Germany: Gender Quotas for Large Companies and for Federal Bodies

This article informs on adoption of Gender Quota Legislation by the Germany’s Parliament. In accordance with the legislation, over 100 listed companies that have employee representation in their boards are …