CSDDD – A timid step forward in the fight against corporate human rights abuse

“The European Union’s Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD), soon to be formally confirmed by the European Council, reflects an important step in corporate accountability for human rights abuses. The directive …

A just transition guaranteed by international law is within reach – here’s how

“In 2021, we argued that the core elements of any conceptualisation of a just transition is already well-rooted in international human rights law. We contended that a just transition should not be considered merely …

A Missed Opportunity to Improve Workers’ Rights in Global Supply Chains

“After two more robust mandatory human rights due diligence (HRDD) proposals were rejected by the European Commission’s (EC) Regulatory Scrutiny Board, revealing the influence of the business lobby, the EC …

It’s time to start talking about a human right to a just transition

“In August 2021, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Working Group published its most recent report, deemed by the UN Secretary General António Guterres to be a “code red for humanity”. …

“There must be zero tolerance of modern slavery in the shipping industry”

“When International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) inspector Darren Proctor visited the Panama-flagged Tahsin in Gloucestershire, UK, in July 2017, he found evidence of the Turkish, Georgian and Indian crew drinking seawater as …

Uber’s UK U-turn: the exploitative gig economy employment model is not dead but it may be at an inflection point

“Under normal circumstances, any company making a bombastic declaration that it will partially respect a court decision would be met with a chorus of derision. Yet, Uber’s announcement on 16 March 2021 that …

Ending corporate impunity is at the heart of a sustainable post-pandemic recovery – that’s why we need a strong Binding Treaty

“The Covid-19 pandemic has once again exposed the fragility of global supply chains and business models built on non-standard forms of employment and informality. Following the global drop in demand as a …

Seafarers Trapped Serving Global Supply Chains amounts to Egregious Abuse of Human Rights: States Must Fulfill their Duty to Protect

“As the Covid-19 pandemic and the travel restrictions put in place to attempt containment drag on, around 200,000 merchant seafarers are trapped aboard ships in violation of international law. Each …

Will fundamental workers’ rights also fall victim to COVID-19?

“The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed in stark terms the fact that our economies are built on the systematic exploitation of workers, whether at our local grocery store or in distant farms, factories …

COVID19 and the Corporate Duty to Respect Human Rights: It’s time for the business community to step up

“The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights has appealed for human rights to be front and centre of the coordinated international response to the COVID-19 pandemic. For tens of millions of workers …