As temperatures rise, industries fight heat safeguards for workers

In the nearly two decades she has worked in South Florida’s plant nurseries, baking under greenhouse plastic covers, Sandra Ascencio has seen more than her share of misery. Ascencio remembers …

‘Sending drivers out to die’: UPS workers demand heat safety amid record temps

Matthew Moczygemba knew something was wrong when he lost his thirst. It was midafternoon on a 103-degree day in Fort Worth, Texas, and the UPS driver had been delivering packages …

Madrid Cleaners Get Relief After Death at Platinum-Owned Firm

Madrid’s city council and the companies that clean Spanish capital’s streets have agreed to health and safety guidelines for high temperatures after a street sweeper died from heat. Manual street …

Heatwaves as an Occupational Hazards: The impact of heat and heatwaves on workers’ health, safety and wellbeing and on social inequalities.

Weather-related heat exposure has become a sanitary concern given the wide repercussions it has for health. Both physiological and epidemiological research show that the impact of heat on human health …

ETUI Policy Brief: Why the EU’s patchy ‘just transition’ framework is not up to meeting its climate ambitions

” The social dimension of the European Green Deal remains underdeveloped. The social and employment-related challenges of the green transition span many dimensions, such as job losses and employment transitions, …

Tara Peel and John Mark Mwanika on the effects of climate change on workers in Canada and Uganda

“For Tara Peel, a political advisor at the Canadian Labour Congress, just transition is the solution to ensuring that emissions are reduced dramatically in the fight to curb global warming …

IACHR: Compendium on Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights | Compendio sobre Derechos Económicos Sociales Culturales y Ambientales

“In the inter-American system, economic, social, cultural and environmental rights have been recognized in various instruments. For example, the American Convention on Human Rights (hereinafter, the “American Convention” or the …

Decálogo para una agenda laboral 2022-2026. Prioridades para legislar aspectos laborales en Colombia

ILAW Network en alianza con la Friedrich Ebert Stiftung en Colombia y el Observatorio Laboral de la Universidad del Rosario, proponen un “Decálogo para una agenda laboral 2022-2026” Decálogo Laboral. …

Britain hands billions to projects linked to labour abuse and climate damage

The British government has provided more than £5bn in the past three years to overseas energy and infrastructure projects linked to labour abuses and environmental damage, according to documents and …

A first global mapping of rights-based climate litigation reveals a need to explore just transition cases in more depth

Annalisa Savaresi and Joana Setzer have identified more than 100 climate cases that rely on human rights arguments to promote action on climate change – but also a growing body …