Der KiK-Fall: Eine ganze Industrie schaut am 10. Januar auf das LG Dortmund

Der KiK-Fall, der heute vor dem LG Dortmund verhandelt wird (AZ O 95/15), könnte eine ganze Industrie umkrempeln. Wahrscheinlich wird das nicht passieren, da die Ansprüche verjährt sein könnten. Die Argumentation der …

New Zealand: Community Law Manual Online- Discrimination

This chapter gives an overview of the anti-discrimination laws in New Zealand and explains the different grounds on which it’s illegal to discriminate and the actions could be taken against …

Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation prepared an Overview of case law with respect to the financial liability of employees

The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation summarized the case law on issues related to the financial liability of employees for the period 2015-2018. In particular, the overview includes cases …

Overview of case law of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation No.3 (2018)

Paragraph 15 of the Overview covers the dispute under a work contract between the employees and employer. The dispute has been considered by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. …

Russia: Employers Could Face Criminal Prosecution for Hiring and Firing Preretirement-Aged Persons

In the beginning of October 2018 Russia adopted the federal law “On Amendments to Criminal Code of the Russian Federation”. This law criminalizes age discrimination in the dismissing and hiring …

Supply Chain: Issues and Analysis: Governing Law and Jurisdiction

Jurisdiction and governing law clauses are required, and an arbitration clause is often appropriate, whenever there is a cross-border element in a contract. Particular issues arise in the context of …

Peru: National jurisdictional plenary of labor and procedural labor

Title in Spanish: Pleno jurisdiccional nacional laboral y procesal laboral The Judicial Power of Peru established, through a national jurisdictional plenary, that in case of unjustified and fraudulent dismissal, the …

Discussion Papers of California Statutes on Slavery, Human trafficking, and Supply Chain Management (requires Westlaw)

24:34.15. Provision for representation regarding compliance with slavery and human trafficking laws Vendor Certification regarding provisions against illegal labor. 1714.43 Retailers to discose efforts to eradicate slavery and human …

2018 Employment and Labor Policy in Korea

This report provides an overview of the organization of Korea’s Ministry of Employment and an overview of Korea’s major employment and labor policies.

Guide on Article 4 of the European Convention on Human Rights: Prohibition of slavery and forced labour