Chile: Ley de teletrabajo para personas cuidadoras (Chilean Legislation on Teleworking for Individuals in Caregiving Roles)

El Gobierno de Chile promulgó, este viernes (22/12/2023),la nueva Ley de Conciliación entre la vida personal, familiar y laboral, que pretende mejorar las condiciones de miles de personas, principalmente mujeres …

Got 1 min? New ‘home office law’ takes effect in Mexico

Mexican employers now have to cover work-related costs incurred by their employees who spend more than 40% of their workweek working from home or another remote location. They are also …

Se crea el Sindicato de Trabajadores de Plataformas del Perú (The Peruvian platform workers union is created.)

Después de un año y medio de mucha lucha y discusiones, el Ministerio de Trabajo y Promoción del Empleo de la República del Perú finalmente reconoció al Sindicato Nacional de …

ILAW Network y CSI piden a la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos reconocer el derecho al cuidado

ILAW Network y la Confederación Sindical Internacional-CSI presentamos escrito de Amicus Curiae ante la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos en el trámite de la Opinión Consultiva sobre el derecho al …

PANEL: Reformas Laborales en America Latina y Perspectivas Para Rep. Dominicana

November 9, 2023

Half a million workers on digital platforms in Mexico do not have labor rights – El Sol de México

he reform of the Federal Labor Law (LFT) regarding digital platforms, which has been pending since last year, must be finalized. In Mexico, more than half a million driving and …

Federal Agents Investigate Sugar Exporter Over Allegations of Forced Labor

The previously undisclosed inquiry of Central Romana raises the prospect of criminal sanctions. The Americans pulling into the luxury Caribbean resort town of Juan Dolio could have easily passed as tourists. …

Special Issue – COVID-19: Labour, Migration, and Exploitation

“This Special Issue of Anti-Trafficking Review examines the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the lives of low-wage, migrant, and informal workers. With contributions from Australia, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Europe, Nigeria, …


“On September 14, 2023, a Brazilian labor judge found that Uber drivers in Brazil are employees and ordered the company to pay two hundred million dollars in punitive damages for their long-term …

Corte Suprema de Chile reconoce la competéncia de la Dirección del Trabajo para fiscalizar las condiciones laborales de los conductores de Uber (The Supreme Court of Chile recognized the jurisdiction of the Secretary of Labor to control the working conditions of Uber drivers)

En Chile, la Suprema Corte confirmó el fallo de la Corte de Apelaciones, en el cual se rechazó el recurso de protección que presentó la empresa para dejar sin efecto …