BARGAINING OVER WORKERS’ DATA RIGHTS: How Unions and Works Councils Can Use Collective Bargaining to Specify Workplace Data Protection Norms

“Workplace compliance with existing data protection law appears poor. A variety of reasons explain poor compliance, including a lack of legal clarity. Therefore, in order to boost workplace data protection …

Improving Workplace Data Protection Compliance

Achieving Workplace GDPR Compliance, Clarifying National Workplace Data Protection Rules, and Enhancing Worker Data Protection through Social Dialogue This paper explores what social partners, governments and civil society organisations can …

Care platforms: Impacts and challenges from a trade union perspective

“Increasing demand for long-term care (LTC) is a critical issue for the European Union (EU). According to the European Care Strategy, currently around 6 million people work in LTC in …

Digitalisation in the Construction and Woodwork Sectors

“The study investigates the impact of digital technologies on workers in the construction and woodworking sectors and how trade unions are responding to these changes. To answer these questions, an …

CHINA’S REGULATIONS ON ALGORITHMS: Context, impact, and comparisons with the EU

“On 1 March 2022, China’s Regulations on the Administration of Internet Information Service Recommendation Algorithms (hereafter, ‘Regulations’) entered into effect (Creemers et al., 2022). The new Chinese provisions, consisting of …

Policy Report: Online Platforms and Platform Work

“This report identifies several areas within the platform landscape that require further attention from policymakers. Specifically, we highlight the importance of national registries to collect relevant information on platform companies, …

TRANSNATIONAL LEGAL TACTICS FOR LABOUR: How to make use of Corporate Accountability Mechanisms

“When the study Labour Conditions in the Global Supply Chain: What Is the Extent and Implications of German Corporate Responsibility? was written in 2011, the question of the legal responsibility …