Mexico: Senado inicia revisión de reforma laboral

El Senado inició junto con algunas cámaras industriales la revisión de la minuta de reforma laboral votada por los diputados la semana pasada; a la reunión acudió la secretaria del …

México aprueba reforma laboral que debe facilitar ratificación del T-MEC

La Cámara de Diputados de México aprobó este jueves la reforma laboral que deberá facilitar la ratificación del tratado de libre comercio entre el país latinoamericano, Estados Unidos y Canadá …

The Constitutional Court decision of South Korea (2017 Hun-Ma 820, April 11, 2019)

The Korean Labor Standards Act protects the employees against the unfair dismissal and provides the effective remedy for the unfairly dismissed employees. But that protection and remedy are not applied …

Mexican Lawmakers Approve Pro-Labor Changes

Mexico’s lower house passed a landmark labor reform on Thursday that empowers unions to bargain more effectively on behalf of workers and clears one of the last obstacles to ratifying …

Reforma laboral busca acabar con liderazgos sindicales eternos

A fin de cumplir con las adecuaciones exigidas en el T-MEC, la Comisión de Trabajo y Previsión Social de la Cámara de Diputados alista debatir el miércoles próximo el predictamen de reforma en …

Employment Law in Sweden – An overview (2019)

These articles give a general overview of Swedish labor law, including the terms and conditions of employment in Sweden, employee representation and industrial relations, discrimination in the workplace, annual and …

Protecting the right to strike in the ILO and the European Court of Human Rights: the significance of Appn No 44873/09 Ognevenko v Russia – Tonia Novitz

Freedom of association is a foundational principle of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). Not only is this principle recognised in the ILO Constitution, first established as Part XIII of the Treaty of Versailles, a …

Sindicatos de diversas categorias barram efeitos da MP 873 na Justiça

São Paulo – Enquanto o Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) não discute a constitucionalidade da Medida Provisória (MP) 873, que impede o desconto em folha da contribuição sindical, entidades representativas dos trabalhadores vêm …

Janus’s Progeny? A Supreme Court Threat to Majority Rule Looms

At a time when democracy is under attack around the world, the Supreme Court is currently contemplating taking two labor rights cases that pose a profound threat not just to …

Sri Lanka media rights activists decry new anti-terror laws

Media rights activists on Monday urged the Sri Lankan government to withdraw proposed anti-terror legislation, calling it is a set of draconian laws aimed at suppressing the media freedom and …