‘Migration, migrant work(ers) and the gig economy’

“The term ‘gig economy’ typically denotes task-based work conducted outside of a formal employment relationship, often paid per task and to various degrees governed by digital platforms (Woodcock and Graham, …

Migration and Migrant Labour in the Gig Economy: An Intervention

In urban gig economies around the world, platform labour is predominantly migrant labour, yet research on the intersection of the gig economy and labour migration remains scant. Our experience with …

Stripping back the mask: Working conditions on digital labour platforms during the COVID-19 pandemic

“Digital labour platforms have been widely promoted as a solution to the unemployment crisis  sparked by the COVID–19 pandemic. However, the pandemic has also highlighted the harms to gig  workers—who …

“Good Gig, Bad Gig: Autonomy and Algorithmic Control in the Global Gig Economy” (United Kingdom; Southeast Asia; Sub-Saharan Africa)

In this article, the authors evaluate the positive and negative aspects of “gig economy” work in light of the 2017 “Taylor Review” in the United Kingdom.  The authors identify common …

“The UK Government’s consultation on employment classification and control: A response”

In this response to the United Kingdom (“U.K.”) government’s 2018 consultation efforts on how to define employment status, the authors focused on one element under consideration by the U.K. government …

UK: “Digital Labour”

In this chapter of the book, “Digital Geographies,” the authors look at both how geography matters and for whom it matters as employers increasingly utilize income-generating “digital labor” located around …