Apple accused of worker violations in Chinese factories

A report released Sunday by China Labor Watch, a nonprofit advocacy group, accused Apple and its manufacturing partner Foxconn of a litany of labor violations, including withholding bonus payments, rolling …

One Year Since the Jasic Incident. Arrests and Detention System with Chinese Characteristics

In July 2018, the labour action at Jasic Technology Co., Ltd in Shenzhen was succeeded by a series of crackdowns towards the strike workers and their fellow supporters as well …

China: Guiding Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Promoting the Well-regulated and Sound Development of the Platform Economy

This Guiding Opinions are issued because of the increasingly important role of the Internet platform economy, which is a new organizing method for productivity in China. In Article 5, the …

China: Work-related illnesses higher than reported

The Chinese government officially released statistics on occupational diseases, close to one million people at the end of 2018. The opinion made in this news is that statistics on occupational …

Beijing interdit la discrimination à l’égard des femmes dans l’emploi

Beijing a interdit la discrimination à l’encontre des femmes dans le recrutement pour stimuler leurs possibilités d’emploi, selon un document publié jeudi. Aucune exigence sur le genre ne doit être …

Forced labor lawsuit against Imperial Pacific progresses

mperial Pacific’s development of the Imperial Palace in Saipan in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) has faced plenty of problems, including delays and lawsuits. One of those lawsuits …

Five Chinese charged as toll in Cambodia building collapse rises to 28

Seven people including five Chinese nationals have been charged with criminal offences over the collapse of a building in Cambodia that has left 28 dead. Three days after the unfinished building …


The federal district court in Saipan issued a decision allowing the forced labor and human trafficking claims of seven Chinese construction workers to proceed. The case, Wang, et al. v. Gold …

China: Growing Labor Sector Puzzled on Insurance

This news article describes the Chinese government’s possible new plan on widening the injury insurance policy with an intent to protect causal workers of online app-based employers. To achieve that …

Saipan casino to pay $3M for construction worker wage claims

Court documents say a Saipan casino developer will pay $3 million to settle U.S. Department of Labor claims that construction workers weren’t paid minimum wages and overtime. A consent judgment …